Realistic HD Food and Beverages – Havok Physics Fix

Skyrim Mods |

Realistic HD Food and Beverages – Havok Physics Fix

Corrects the mass and havok materials of the bottles in HalkHogan’s Realistic HD Food & Realistic HD Beverages mods.

This mod fixes a few physics bugs effecting some of the bottles in HalkHogan’s excellent Realistic HD Food & Realistic HD Beverages mods.

Fixes the following bugs:
The bottles makes no sound when colliding with other objects. This is because the bottles incorrectly use the MAT_GLASS rather than MAT_MATERIAL_BOTTLE_SMALL havok material. The vanilla versions of the bottles have the same bug and have been corrected in USLEEP.
One of the types of empty bottles behave very strangely due to an insane amount of mass and other invalid physics properties, resulting in:
The bottles flail around like crazy (see video below)
The bottles can’t be dragged
The bottles get stuck in mid-air if dropped from your inventory. They have so much mass that gravity isn’t strong enough to pull them to the ground 🙂

Realistic HD Food by HalkHogan
Realistic HD Beverages by HalkHogan

Overwrite the files from Realistic HD Food & Realistic HD Beverages.

This mod only contains meshes and can be safely uninstalled/deleted.

HalkHogan is the original author of the meshes, I only provided these simple fixes with his permission.

Author: sialivi
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