Mfg Console

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Mfg Console

This mod resurrects “mfg phoneme/modifier” console command and PlayerBlink at Skyrim ver.1.9.32 again. And add some information window, some commands and customizable command-alias to console.

# MfgConsole v1.1
This mod resurrects “mfg phoneme/modifier” console command and playerBlink at Skyrim ver.1.9.32 again.
And add some information window, some command and customizable command-alias to console.

– enable “mfg phoneme/modifier” console command at Skyrim ver.1.9.32
– enable PlayerBlink at Skyrim ver.1.9.32
– add extra information to the console
– show objectName, formID, baseID, sourceMod, lastModifiedMod, respawn-container or not, characterStatus, activeEffects, equipments etc.
– show character-expression detail window

Skyrim version
SKSE 1.6.16 or later

drop the “data’ folder into your Skyrim directory.
If you do not want to install the console update, please exclude “Interface” folder.

You can enable/disable playerBlink and ExtraInfoWindow on startup at

– Extra information
This mod shows an additional information window on the left side of screen when select an object at the console.
Support character, weapon, armor, potion, scroll and container now.
Some entries have a child window (added ” >” on the right of entry). Move mouse cursor on the entry and tap “Shift” key.
If entry have no more information, do nothing.

This window is enabled by default. If you want to disable, set in the configuration file.
You can enable on console with “enableExtraInfo” command. This command is valid until you restart the game.

– PlayerBlink
PlayerBlink is enabled by default. If you want to disable, set in the configuration file.
You can enable/disable on console with “playerBlink start” or “playerBlink stop” command. This command is valid until you restart the game.

– Expressions
Select character (include player) at the console and type “mfg phoneme/modifier * *” same as TESV-Ver.1.8.151.
These effects will take effect after you exit the console.
You have to execute “mfg reset” on the character to reset face after change expressions, or reboot your game.

If you want to save expression, enter “mfg save ‘filename'”.
Saved file is ‘filename.txt’ in Skyrim directory.
To revert expression, select character at the console and enter “bat ‘filename'”.

– Alias
This already sets some command-alias, “me”,”mp”,”mm” to “mfg expression”,”mfg phoneme”, “mfg modifier”.
If you enter “mp 1 100”, execute “mfg phoneme 1 100”.

You can add your own alias easily.
Open “datainterfaceconsole_alias.ini” by text editor, and add “alias, execute-command” pair.

– Cheat command
You can get all weapons/armors added by mod at once.
Select container on console and enter “getModItem mod”, and this adds all weapons/armors added by mod into that container.
“getModItem vanilla” “getModItem dlc” add vanilla/DLC weapopns and armors.
— warning! —
This command adds very many items (about 5,000 at vanilla), do not choice your favorite container and container in your home.
After you have finished, run “removeAllItems” command on the container will be good.
Some mod have test items, which may cause a bug. Be careful.

Known issues
– This mod cannot stop expression of AI, character face will blink when NPC will speak or so.
– PlayerBlink works regardless of the speed of the game. (killmoves, slowmotion mod etc.)
– Extra information take a few seconds on game startup for search mod IDs.
– Cannot get Enchantment of weapon/armor now.
– Cannot get the name that you gave to the enchanting, show original name now.

For Developper
This mod includes some Papyrus functions for change expression.
See ScriptssourceMfgConsoleFunc.psc.

You are allowed to upload, convert, modify this mod.
You feel free to use this mod to include your mod, No need to contact me.

2013/10/30 ver.1.1
– add PlayerBlink
– add extra information window
– add playerBlink start|stop, enableExtraInfo, getModItem mod|vanilla|dlc commands
– fix the error appears to a number of expression
– fix papyrus function bug
– change some internal processing

Initial release
Thanks to Bethesda Softworks
Thanks to SKSE team
Thanks to SkyUI team – creating Unofficial UI SDK
Thanks to himika

Author: kapaer
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